
April 11, 2009

fantastic pizza in Trumansburg

Want to try the best pizza in the Ithaca area? Stop in to the New York Pizzaria in Trumansburg. As you walk in thru the very old and worn front doors of this nicely renovated brick building, you are immediately drawn toward the color & beauty of the gourmet pizzas lying under the glass at the back of the restaurant. Ive been in there a few time and each time I see those pizzas, I am mezmorized- I feel i'm looking at works of art as I stand there ooing and awing. As the proprietor continues making pizzas directly in front of you, you realize you are going to have to make a decision in selecting just which slice willl be yours! Did I mention these pizzas are beautiful? And the slices are huge as well! Where as in most pizza shops its sensible to get yourself 2 slices, at the New York Pizzaria, the slices are so large you may have to limit yourself to just one slice -this of course make deciding between the lot all the more difficult.
Fresh ingredients, thin crusts, great taste, and warm inviting surroundings, complete with massive murals of NYC on the walls make this pizza place one of the best around. You may think you've died and gone to Little Italy...

Next time your in Trumansburg make sure you stop and try a slice -but don't go on a Monday cause there's no one there.
Tell 'em Creative Constrcutions sent ya-
buon appetito!

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