In winter 2007-2008, Creative Constructions framed one of the first houses to go up at White Hawk Ecovillage.
The back of the house with many windows faces the sunny south to optimize solar energy.
SIP's were used in the construction of this house.
Rob and his tools.
Inside walls go up.
The Woinoski's recently wrote this.......Just had to mention how much we LOVE our home! Almost everyone we know has already turned their heat
on, but we (even through the COLD last night) haven't had to! This morning when
we woke up it was 28 outside and 62 in here! It's amazing how well the house
retains the heat it gains during the day! Yesterday we actually had to open the
windows to cool it down b/c it got over 70! Very exciting :)
We are going to see how long we can comfortably go without heat. For us this means we will wear sweaters and pants and socks and if we're still cold, then it's not comfortable and the heat comes on.
Also, we should mention that we got our first electric bill - they estimated our use for Sept (no real meter reading) at THREE TIMES what they actually found we used when they came out to read the meter! 3x!!! Our average usage is 7kwh per day, and we haven't been trying to conserve - but we might soon and see what happens :)
So, just wanted to put this out there. We LOVE how energy efficient this house is, it's saving us money - big time!!! Many thanks to Rod for designing such a great home, to Rob, Rod, and Kerrie for assuring tight construction, to Beauty for the vision of White Hawk, and everyone else for helping make this happen!
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