
November 30, 2008

what's new building in ithaca

There's plenty I'd like to write about these days as we've been petty busy but frankly, i just don't have the time-
So instead I'll post a few pictures with captions and hope to get back at the keyboard for some more in depth writing soon.

one of the advantages of building homes with SIPS is that if your client can't decide on a window placement or wishes to add a window after framing has been completed it can be a pretty simple job as shown here. Just crank up the chainsaw and let 'er rip..

And voila- your window opening is made, just frame it out with 2x6s, and install the window. Note the 5 & 1 half inches of continuous foam -in white- that is the center of a typical eps SIP -
Tile work
Recently Kerrie has been working on some tile flooring projects in older homes that feature uneven and sloped floors-

She's had fun creatively leveling these more challenging surfaces and has come up with some lovely finishes-

This is a tile floor she did in Ithaca this fall for our friend Hilby- (note the Mexican Talevera accent tile Hilby picked out)

Building a new house in Danby
This week as we turned the addition we have been working on in Ithaca over to the home owner for interior painting, we began (in the snow) construction on a new energy efficient home out at the White Hawk eco-village, a new co housing community that is growing in Danby New york. Unlike the two other homes completed there, this home will not be constructed of SIPs, but rather with traditional stick framing. However we will be paying strict attention to minimizing thermal bridging as well as providing excellent air sealing as we go Let's hope the snow doesn't get too heavy before we get the roof on!

1 comment:

Julie said...

Hey, that's us! We are thrilled to see our home take shape.

Creative Constructions

Creative Constructions
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