
July 16, 2008

hot pizza on a cold day

A decent measuring tape and a good circular saw are essential tools for any carpenter, but sometimes Pizza is the builder's best friend. I can say this from experience. It was two winters ago that the 20 minute drive to and from the house we were building happened to pass by an establishment that offered up fresh hot slices to hungry passersby.

I was a hungry passer by on many occasion, and not just in the afternoon either, a morning stop could never be ruled out. Breakfast pizza you ask...Yes indeed, it looked kinda gross, but it was in fact a tasty meal -complete with eggs, bacon, and cheese...came with a cupa coffee too, organic & free trade no less.

I could have benefited from a frequent flier punch card, as I soon discovered that 2 slices were better than one. Those hot fresh pizzas not only lifted my mornings during that long winter but they got me through some difficult late afternoons as well, when blood sugar was bottoming out, and fingers numb from the cold cried out for something warm to hold.

Working outdoors in sub freezing weather builds an appetite unlike any other. The kind of appetite that is not easily tamed with salad and the like. Oh no, you need something quite a bit heartier, something hot and tasty, perferably triangularly shaped, and packed with oozing cheese and yummy goodness.... Well, I think you know what I mean.

P.S. don't worry I am now on a diet of moderation, but I still love to get a good slice here and there... like the one you get at...


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